Lymphatic drainages
What is a manual lymphatic drainage?
Manual lymphatic drainage is a form of the prank massage which is used for the removal of lymphatic buildups. Blocked areas are massaged under rotary pressure. Before the drain ways are stimulated to the increased work.
When does a lymphatic drainage make sense with the horse?
- The most frequent reason for a lymphatic drainage are called legs and so- called biles which point to a lymphatic run-off disturbance. To avoid the stronger lymphatic edemas which can develop to an elephant's leg, should already become in the early stage.
- After the veterinary acute accent treatment of a shot; the horses who often incline to shots mostly have a lymphatic run-off disturbance.
- With Mauke with concurrent antibiotic gift, it a metabolism improvement should be reached.
- With roe deer: the lymphatic run-off is increased, this leads in the horn- rimmed shoe to the discharge, there increases liquid from the hoof is taken away.
- With tendon problems / ruptures: during the frst 6-10 days the increased egg white aggregation can be taken away by the lymphatic drainage
- With versatility and distance horses: after the across country distance or after the tour to lower lactate rate
- After operations (e.g., colics-operations, castration): immediately after the OP carried out lymphatic drainages lead to decreased grain fbrosis and lower movement restriction.
- Udder infammation (after fnished antibiotic gift)
- pregnancy edemas
- with the second dentition and fur change: the second dentition and fur change is made easier by the raised metabolism.
How runs a manual lymphatic drainage off?
The real manual lymphatic drainage lasts approx. 40 minutes. The whole therapy occurs in three "phases":
- Phase I: The manual lymphatic drainage which must occur strictly systematically to free all drain ways, so that a kind of suction originates. This treatment lasts approx. 40 minutes.
- Phase II: Compression: Because by the lymphatic buildup the skin loses to elasticity, a compression must occur after the manual lymphatic drainage. A column federation or a compression sock can be used for it.
- Phase III: Movement: on putting on the compression sock or compression federation movement must occur. Leading, pasture way, to lunge as well as horse riding in all three basic paces are suitable in addition.
In addition, enough rough feed should be offered after the treatment, so that also the digestive system remains in movement. The natural, central lymphatic run-off is promoted by the continuous intestinal movement.